Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (Bookzcity)

Further Details About This Book:

The encyclopedia is intended to be a comprehensive reference text, covering
every topic in the field of mathematics education research with entries
ranging from short descriptions to much longer ones where the topic warrants
more elaboration. The entries have been written by leaders in the field as
a whole, and in most cases they are originators and innovators in the specific
entry topic.
The entries provide access to theories and to research in the area and refer
to some of the key publications for further reading, including the core texts as
well as cutting-edge research, and point also to future developments. We have
tried to be comprehensive in terms of drawing on work from around the
world, particularly through the knowledge and experience of the section
editors. The vast majority of the hard work of soliciting, encouraging, and
editing has been carried out by these editors. The list of entries was mapped
out at an intensive seminar of the editors, in sections of common theme. Each
editor took on responsibility for a theme according to their interests and
expertise. They then worked with all the authors to develop and edit the
entries in their section. As things progressed, while some editors were
overloaded with work, others took on part of their tasks. They have been
exemplary in their roles, and an enormous debt of gratitude is owed to them.
Miche`le Artigue took responsibility for the section on research on mathematics
curriculum topics and Information and Communication in education;
Ruhama Even, for research on teaching; Mellony Graven, for research on
teacher education; Eva Jablonka, for research on mathematics in out-ofschool
contexts and for research methods, paradigms, and sociological perspectives;
Robyn Jorgensen, for research on curriculum, assessment, and
evaluation; Yoshinori Shimizu, for research on learning; and Bharath
Sriraman, for research on the nature of mathematics and mathematical thinking
and theories of learning.
We have been supported by the excellent team at Springer, including
Michael Hermann, Daniela Graf, Clifford Nwaeburu, and Jutta Jaeger-Hamers.
The SpringerReference system has been modified and developed in part by
the suggestions and needs of the section editors, and credit must go to the
developers for making those modifications. In the years to come, I am sure

further changes will be needed.

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