Monday, May 18, 2020

Windows Phone 8 in Action (Bookzcity)

Further Details About This Book:

We authors come from different backgrounds and locations, but we came together to
write this book. Michael is a Silverlight MVP who lives in Singapore; Massimo lives in
Europe and worked at Microsoft on the Windows Phone team; Adam lives in Canada
and has published several applications in the Windows Phone store; and Timothy lives
in the United States and has worked as technical proofreader for other Manning
books on WPF and Silverlight. Amid this diversity, our shared passion for XAML and
mobile applications brought us together to produce this book.
In 2012, nearly 700 million smartphones were sold across the globe. The world is
quickly moving to a fully connected society, and smartphones like the Windows Phone
are already playing a major role in how we access data, connect with our family and
friends, and interact with the world around us. Smartphones are almost always with us,
know where they are located, and are connected to the internet.
Your job as application developers is to create applications that can interact with
our environment, sift through the data, and present a simplified view of the world to
users overwhelmed with the complexities of the fast-paced, high-tech digital world. We
hope our book gives you the knowledge you need to determine location, process sensor
input, capture audio and video, and scrutinize data to build killer Windows Phone
applications that integrate nicely with the operating system and native applications.

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