Saturday, May 16, 2020

WebRTC Blueprints (Bookzcity)

Further Details About This Book:

What made me start writing this book is the enthusiasm regarding WebRTC, an open
project for browser-based, real-time communication.
Until now, building a good interactive web service was always a big problem.
You had to use different solutions for different web browsers, you had to use
third-party software components and install them on a client's PC, you had
problems with cross-platform support, and so many other problems.
Now we have WebRTC. Its development is still in progress and not all browsers and
platforms fully support it yet, but it works great already. With WebRTC, you can
easily build a rich, media-interactive website or service, and most of your potential
users will be able to use it today without any additional specific efforts.
This great project enables easy development of rich media web services without the
need to download/install any additional software components on a server or on a
client's PC. I use WebRTC daily at my job for real-life projects, and I will share my knowledge
and recipes in this book.

What is WebRTC?

Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is a new (still under development) open
framework for the Web to enable browser-to-browser applications for audio/video
calling, video chats, and peer-to-peer file sharing without any additional third-party

It was open sourced by Google in 2011 and includes the fundamental building
components for high-quality communication on the Web. These components, when
implemented in a browser, can be accessed through a JavaScript API, enabling
developers to build their own rich media web applications. Google, Mozilla, and
Opera support WebRTC and are involved in the development process.

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