Monday, February 24, 2020

Math Practice Book by (Bookzcity)

Further Details About This Book:
Mathematics is often presented as a large collection of disparate facts to be
absorbed (memorized!) and used only with very specific applications in
mind. Yet the development of mathematics has been a journey that has
engaged the human mind and spirit for thousands of years, offering joy,
play, and creative invention. The Pythagorean theorem, for instance,
although likely first developed for practical needs, provided great intellectual
interest to Babylonian scholars of 2000 B.C.E., 

This book is the result of twenty years of puzzle collecting. For
these many years I have endeavored to gather everything
belonging to the realm of mathematical entertainment from
all available sources. As an editor of newspaper columns on
scientific entertainment, I found my readers keenly interested
in this kind of pastime, and these readers proved to be among
my best sources for all sorts of problems, both elementary
and intricate.

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