Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mathematical Problems And Puzzles (Bookzcity)

Further Details About This Book:

THIS  book is a translation  of the second  Polish  edition,  published in   1960,   in  which   various  improvements were  made. The  contest  for  secondary school  pupils  known  as  the Mathe• matical   Olympiad   has   been  held   in  Poland  every   year   since 1949/50.  It is  organized  by   the  Polish   Mathematical   Society under  the supervision of the Ministry  of Education,  which  pro• vides the necessary :financial means.   Direct  control  of  the  contest is in  the hands   of a  Central Committee in  Warsaw  and   of Re• gional   Committees   in   seven   university   towns.   In   each   com• mittee  university  professors  collaborate  with  secondary school teachers. Participation   in  the  contests   is   voluntary.   They   are   open to  all  secondary  school  pupils   in  the  country  but  in  practice candidates  for  the Olympiad  are  recruited  from  the two  senior forms   (ages:   16  to  18).

The  Olympiad comprises   three  stages. Stage  one   (preparatory)  lasts  throughout  October,  November and December.  At   the  beginning  of  each   month   the  Central Committee  sends  out  to all secondary schools in the country a set of  problems  which   pupils   are   expected   to  solve  individually, working   at home,  within  the months  in  question.   No  check  is made  to see whether they work  entirely on their own. The pupils' solutions  are   then  mailed   by   their  school   to  the  appropriate regional  committee,  where  they are assessed.  The  authors  of the best  solutions  are  then admitted  to the  second  stage  (regional) contests.   These  take  place   in  March-on  the  same  day   at  all the  seven   regional    centres,   and   the  same   problems   are   set at each.   The  contestants  have   to  come  up  in  person   to  their nearest  regional   centre.  The  contest  lasts  two  days.   Each   day three  problems  have  to be  solved  in  the  allotted  time  of  four hours The  candidates  work  in  one  room  under  the supervision of   members    of   the  local   regional    committee;  they  are   not allowed   to  communicate  with  one  another  or  to  receive   help from the professors.  Their  chance   to discuss  the  problems with the   professors   comes   at  the social   gatherings   organized  for this purpose after the contest.

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